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Sex Orientation
Inclusion of sexual orientation as a protected class in anti-discrimination laws
Sex Orientation is a major subject that our community needs to be addressed today. On a close examination we can identify this can be the core area from where the problem starts. Lack of adequate sex orientation can be lead to crimes and such other social problems from the early child hood onwards.
Need of this Assignment:
This essay argues that the community we are writing about (college) must adopt this proposal because it will accomplish three distinct outcomes related to a community issue.
Significance of this Assignment:
This thesis argues its side clearly and lays out the structure of the paper. It talks about how to plan to fund the proposal, implement the proposal, and overcome opposition to the proposal.
Social problems and lack of sex orientation:
This refers to crimes and such other social problems in which only one individual is involved in committing an act and its cause is located within the individual delinquent. Healy and Bronner (1936) compared delinquent youths with their non-delinquent siblings and analyzed the difference between them. Their most important finding was that over 90.0% of the delinquents compared to 13.0% of their non-delinquent siblings had unhappy home lives and felt discontented with their life circumstances. Moreover the major reason to all these is lack of sex orientation and ignorance. Delinquent boys could not internalize moral values because of the absence of good role models in their fathers.
The crimes and such other social problems are committed in companionship with others and the cause is located not in the personality of the individual or in the delinquent's family but in the culture of the individual's home and neighborhood. Southerland developed the theory of differential association.
Crimes and such other social problems committed by developing formally organized groups. The concept of /delinquent sub-culture' was developed. The set of values and norms that guide the behavior of group members, encourage the commission of delinquencies, award status on the basis of such acts and specify typical relationships to person who fall outside the groupings governed by group norms.
Crimes and such other social problems are viewed as having deep roots. In individual crimes and such other social problems, the roots are primarily within the individual; in group-supported and organized delinquencies the roots lie in the structure of the society with emphasis either on the ecological areas where social problems prevails or on the systematic way in which social structure places some individuals in a poor position to compete for success. The situational crimes and such other social problems are not deeply rooted. A young man indulge in a delinquent act without having a deep commitment to crimes and such other social problems because of less developed impulse control and/or because of lesser reinforcement of family restraints and because he has relatively little to lose even if caught.
The maximum age for this according to the Juvenile Justice of 2006 is 16 years for boys and 18 years for girls. Youths who are involving truancy, vagrancy, immorality and ungovernability also fall within the definite crimes and such other social problems. According to Walter Reckless this applies to the "violation of criminal code and/or pursuit of certain pattern behavior disapproved of for children and young adolescents." Eaton and Polk (1969) have classified this into five groups according to the type of offence. (1) Various types of violations including disorderly and minor traffic violations. (2) Other types of traffic violations (3) Violation of Properties (4) Addiction to alcoholism and drug. (5) Bodily harm (including homicide and rape). Apart from this there can be the serious threat AIDS originated from lack of sex orientation.
(Downes, D. (2001), ‘The macho penal economy: mass incarceration in the US – a European perspective’)
The most vulnerable group that drew the attention of the participants was the number of HIV positive children estimated to be a million. That's why Mann reiterated that "HI V is not about a virus but primarily about people, individuals and society." There would be a viral holocaust in the world if there is no change in the sexual behavior patterns. By now homosexual relations and blood transfusion were considered as the causes of AIDS infection.
Still none can deny that efforts are being made seriously throughout the world by AIDS activists. It is with their efforts that statistics are collected in different affected countries and 155 of them report to WHO on AIDS Not surprisingly the scope of studies has been enlarging taking into its fold not only homosexuals but besides children and prostitutes, hemophiliacs, lesbians (women homosexuals) and drug-users too.
We can divide the factors into two groups: individual factors and situational factors.
Many theorists consider family as the most significant factor in the development of juvenile crimes and such other social problems. Class status, power group relations and class mobility, are also related to the family environment.-Early childhood experiences, emotional deprivations and child rearing processes influences the formation of the personality and the development of attitudes, values, and life style. The abnormal expression of behavior in an anti-social form is the result of these. The factors in the social system and the functioning of the institutions such as broken home, family tension, parental rejection, parental control, and family economics, sex abuse affect crimes and such other social problems.
The broken family (where one parent is absent because of parental separation, divorce or death) fails to provide affection and control to the child. Family tension results from hostility and the hatred. The younger does not feel secure and content in the tension filled family environment. Long-term tension reduces family cohesiveness and affects the parent’s ability to provide a conducive atmosphere to satisfactory child-rearing and family problem-solving. Family economics is also an important contributing variable. The economic conditions of the family can be one, of many contributing factors in a multi-problem family.
Movies and comic books featuring immorality, smoking, drinking and brutality leave a strong impression on the young minds of the children and the adolescents. They teach the techniques of crimes and such other social problems. Movies also develop attitudes conducive to crimes and such other social problems. Movies also develop attitudes conducive to delinquent behavior by arousing desires for easy money, suggesting questionable methods for their achievement, inducing a spirit of toughness and adventurousness, arousing sexual desires, and by invoking day-dreaming.
All sociologists have emphasized on the environmental of the social structure and on the learning process as important in crimes and such other social problems.
As it can be a serious threat to the society, it should be dealt with utmost concern. So the fund for the corrective measures should be allocated from the budget provision of the state medical allotment.
Some important methods in treating the delinquent are providing orientation through: (1) Psychotherapy. (2) Reality therapy. (3) Behavior therapy. (4) Activity therapy, and (5) Milieu therapy. Restrictions and reprimands can be effective supplements to the major treatment approach utilized but punishment cannot become an end in itself. The two basic approaches are the individual and the group method of treatment. Sociologists usually deal with the conditions of the social structure that breed crimes and such other social problems, while psychologists treat the individual.
Psychotherapy treats emotional and personality problems by changing the attitudes and feelings about significant persons (say, parents) in the clients (delinquent's) past. Through psychotherapy the delinquent is allowed by the therapist in operate in an atmosphere of love and acceptance where the person does not have to fear severe rejection of physical punishment.
Reality therapy is based on the view that people unable to fulfill their basic needs, act in an irresponsible manner. The object is to help the delinquent person to act in a responsible manner, that is, refrain from anti-social activity. The basis of the reality therapy is that the past is insignificant. In this therapy, since a child is treated as a responsible person and not as an unfortunate youngster, it transmits strength to the youngster.
Behavior therapy is modifying the learned behavior of the delinquent through the development of new learning processes. Reinforcements are the powerful weapon to change behavior. Money praise attention, food, privileges, admission in school, praise, attention, food, privileges, freedom to play with children and good clothes, can be considered as positive reinforces, while threats, confinements, ridicule, physical punishment and depriving of money are negative reinforces.
In active therapy method a group of 6-8 children are gathered or invited to meet at a specific time/place to engage in play or some artistic endeavor. A moderately neurotic child finds great release in a permissive environment where he can express his hostility and aggression in creative work, play or mischief, because their behavior does not call for retaliation, punishment, or disapproval, pent-up emotion to find appropriate discharge.
Environmental therapy provides a meaningful change and thereby adjusting satisfactorily. These are, (1) Individual counseling. (2) Social case-work, and (3) Vocational counseling are also used.
Both private and public agencies have to be involved in crimes and such other social problems prevention because of complexities of the urban society. The three approaches to crimes and such other social problems prevention are: (1) Organizing activities that contribute to healthy personality development and adjustment of youth. (2) Controlling environment of young people contributing to crimes and such other social problems, and (3) Organizing specific preventive services for children. The first approach links the crimes and such other social problems prevention with: (i) General improvements in the institutional structure of the society, for example, family, neighborhood, school (ii) Raising the income levels of poverty-stricken families, (iii) providing job opportunities to young people, (iv) Establishing schools, (v) Improving job conditions, (vi) Providing recreational facilities in neighborhood, (vii) Improving marital relations through family counseling services and family social work, (viii) Imparting moral and social education, among other measures. Preventive activities of the second type include community organization and the efforts of welfare and child care agencies. Preventive activities of the third type include probation and parole services.
Family is the significant organization for sex orientation and there for it demand great attention. Unless these disorganized families are reorganized, unless an environment therapy is provided, frustrated and emotionally disturbed young people cannot be prevented from developing a relationship with delinquents. Juvenile units in police department in cities have undertaken recreation units for children. This will go a long way in removing hostility and mutual suspicion between the police and youngsters. Initiating community programs for educating the youngsters regarding the detrimental effects of using drugs and becoming involved in devious social behavior is yet another measure in the prevention of juvenile crimes and such other social problems. Homes for these children to give them a chance to reflect on their own situations with the assistance and guidance of staff members need to be run-away and their parents and guardians so that serious problems can be resolved. The development of a sound public policy regarding all aspects of crimes and such other social problems prevention and control requires both planning and evaluation by rigorous research methods. For that we need co-ordination among various agencies including judiciary, universities, social workers, police etc..
Sex Orientation is a major subject that our community needs to be addressed today. On a close examination we can identify this can be the core area from where the problem starts. Lack of adequate sex orientation can be lead to crimes and such other social problems from the early child hood onwards. We can eradicate this issue if we take adequate steps to address the problems from the early period itself.