APA Structure

October 07, 2013

Content blog apa structure

The APA Referencing Format

Any research paper demands the researcher to reference everything gotten form other works. The organization of your paper may depend on the preferences of your instructor. He could prefer the introduction-body-conclusion format or might instruct you on the way that you are going to organize your paper. An APA style research paper with apa citation reference would look like this and it also includes apa style research proposal:


This is an overview of other opinion about the topic at hand. This is where most of your source citations go to and it follows apa referencing. It is also an overview of your plan in the paper and a statement of your hypothesis.

The Methods

This should enumerate every material that will be involved in the experiment as well as research instruments.

The Outcome

These are the results of the research process. They are without analysis.

The Discussion

This is where you make the analysis of your research results. It will include anything that went haywire and interfered with the results.

 The Wrap Up/Conclusion

This involves anything deduced from the research, recommendations as to how it will be done differently, especially if anything interfered in the way the research was conducted.

The apa proposal format

The Headings

First level heading

The major heading should be bold and centered. The first as well as other major words are capitalized.

Second level headings

These should be in bold, set to the left with the first word and all other major words written in uppercase.

The title page apa example


Learning APA Referencing

Your Name

Your College

You have to remember to include your name in the title page. Also, number every page in the paper.

Figures and Tables

Every graphic used, be it a table, figures charts or any other graphics should be mentioned in the paper’s body by name. All tables and figures used should have titles as well as be numbered correctly. Sometimes it goes to the bottom of the illustration.

Ensure that you have included source citation if the figure or table has been extracted from a source.

Any graphic that is too big to be included in the text can be put at the tail end, like in the appendix. This demands you to mention it by name in the body text of your paper e.g. As shown in appendix 1…