How to organize a research paper
Proper organization of your research paper will earn you a lot of marks. First you just make it easier for your professor to go through your writing and second you earn credit from your audience. After doing your research you will need to organize your information to avoid any confusion when you begin to write. You may use note cards, highlighters, and formal outline to group your information just before you begin writing.
The following information and guidelines on research papers will help students when writing their papers.
How to make a thesis statement for a research paper
The thesis statement always comes in the introductory paragraph of your research paper. The thesis statement is therefore a unifying guideline and element that should never miss in any research paper. It is where all your discussion centers up to the conclusion part. Narrow your topic to suit your thesis statement and not talk about the general view. Keep it as short as possible to only fit in one sentence. Since it is very important in your research paper you could seek the help of your professor to determine if you are on the right track.
Example of a good thesis statement
Because of the advanced technology in the mobile world, stolen phones can be easily retrieved by using just the serial number unlike in the 1990s.
How to write research paper introductions
Introductions in every academic writing matter a lot. It is a sensitive paragraph that will send either positive or negative sign to your audience. You should write this with a fresh and productive mind. Set a pace for your paper by making it brief and captivating.
How to write a research paper proposal
A research paper proposal is an outline of the entire research process undertaken and it is used to give a summary of a full research paper. Students present to college committee to determine whether they are fit for a research. Here are some guides and structure to follow when writing a research paper proposal
The title page
The title page of your research paper proposal contains the topic of your paper, names of authors and sources used in writing.
The abstract
This is where you give a summary of your paper, topic and the reasons as to why you picked on that topic. Additionally go ahead to explain what the purpose and what the topic entails.
Background of your research paper
Talk about the topic, what prompted you to do a research and how is the topic relevant to your audience. State the purpose of your research and see if it brings some impact to your audience. Does it change the way they feel or are their opinions still the same.
Literature review
This is the broad part in your research proposal. Your literature review should contain researched sources and the type of sources you used to get your findings, methodology, discussions and interpretations.
State the impacts of your research
Give your audience what will benefit them by stating the impact of your research. The positive sides and as to why you would wish them to change their take on the topic
How to make an outline for a research paper
An outline of a research paper shows the sections that are in your paper. It actually makes it easy to trace the chapters and you can find information you are looking for easily by just checking on which page it is from the outline. Here is an example of an outline of a research paper
I. Definition of distant learning
A. Advantages of distant learning
B. Demerits of distant learning
1. Distaant learning in America
2. Distant learning in British
II. Effects of distant learning
How to do a research paper outline
In order to make a research paper outline you need to start by choosing a topic. Gather enough materials on the topic then start to subdivide your points into smaller sections. By dividing your points you will be able to come up with categories to include in your outline.
How to write an abstract for a research paper
An abstract always comes at the beginning of your research paper and should take its own page. You do not necessarily have to write it but can write it when you done with the paper. It should be kept as short as possible otherwise it will draw the attention of the reader away.
How to take notes for a research paper
At some point you will definitely take notes during your research on your topic. First identify your topic and narrow down to a specific title from it. Given a topic such as “negative effects of attending a rehabilitation center”, you will save time by only checking for its negative effects leaving others aside. Note down only relevant and important ideas in point form, do not copy and paste.
How to format a research paper
Use the right format as instructed by your professor. The format for every research paper starts with the title page, abstract, then the introductory, body then conclusion. A reference page and bibliography page come at the end. ensure everything is put in its right section.