Communication plays a major role in ensuring that people share ideas and air out their issues. This can be achieved by use of various channels that are up for consideration. Some people will communicate through written text as in books and journals. Others will opt to use the word of mouth whereby they address people through speeches. Many aspects that affect our daily lives need to be discussed and persuasive speech topics go a long way in trying to achieve this. You may want to come up with persuasive speech ideas that will be the basis of your speech.
Topics for persuasive speeches are drawn from the daily happenings that affect our lives. You may pick a topic based on the impact it has on the people around you to help educate them or make them aware of some ideas that you may have. For a student, persuasive speech topics for college will help to bring out the issues that affect students or advocate for some changes in the education system. When a speech writer deals with persuasive speech topics for college students, their aim is to address the challenges that students face and give recommendations on the best way forward.
When considering topics for a persuasive speech, it is important to determine what impact you wish to have on your audience. You therefore need to connect with the audience when presenting your ideas for persuasive speeches. First of all, know your audience. You need to determine what their interests are and ensure that you address them. This will ensure that your audience remains alert and eager to hear more. You persuasive speech topic should bring out a side that the audience had not thought of or supports the ideas they have about a certain matter. For instances, you may discuss the importance of students carrying phones in school. You therefore need to have all the facts as regards to this topic and ensure that your fellow students agree with the arguments you are making. In this way, you will reach your goal and have a speech that will drive the point home.
Some topics for persuasive speech that you may consider writing on include:
- Should all students wear uniform to school?
- Should phones be allowed in school?
- Do all students need to take music lessons?
- Should there be separate classes for boys and girls?
- Should sex education be given more emphasize in schools?
- Should tax on school related items be zero rated?
- Does drug use in schools need to be approached with more aggressive measures?
- Should exemplary students in school get paid for their efforts?
- Should pets be allowed in school?
- Should teachers be fired for engaging in relationships with their students?
- Should classes end at 5pm in the evening?
- Do foreign languages have to be mandatory for all students?
- Should free condoms be availed in all schools?
- Should all students be asked to bring laptops to school?
- Should students really bring cars to school?