What is a research paper?
A research paper is an academic writing that requires abstract and critical thinking about a topic and includes integration of research findings with the student's own ideas. A good research paper should be comprehensive and informative, such that when given to the audience, some valuable information is spread to them.
Research paper structure
When assigned a research paper essay by your professor, first read the instructions and ensure you structure your research essay accordingly. The following is a research paper essay structure you can use to make your term research paper look more appealing and professional.
The title page
This page will tell the reader what to expect from your research paper. You could also go ahead and state your name or other names of authors if the research was done as a group.
Research outline
After you have provided the title page, write a research outline to guide the readers when they get your research paper. A research outline will help them choose a topic they want to read easily without confusing the chapters.
This is a brief summary of your research article and need not to be lengthy. In your abstract indicate your research question, the purpose of your study, methods you have used in getting information and sources. Additionally state your findings and interpret and make your recommendations.
The introduction tone of research paper essays is very critical. It is from the first part of your essay that will determine whether readers will reach the last chapter. It needs to be brief and catchy. Give a general statement about your topic. State the main points and arguments you are going to discuss in your essay then conclude by writing a thesis statement.
The body
In the body detailed information regarding the points is given. Discuss each point in its own paragraph. Give adequate evidence to support your ideas.
The conclusion
This is the last paragraph and should contain a summary of all the points you have discussed earlier. It is here that you may also give recommendations on your findings. Avoid adding new information not discussed earlier in your paper.
The reference page includes all the sources you have used and cited in your research paper. Use the format instructed by your professor when citing, APA is the most recommended style of writing.
Tips on writing a research paper
A research paper essay may be challenging as you begin but with time and getting to know what it is all about, it turns to be a complete walk over. Here are some of the tips to help you in writing a research paper
Understand your research essay topic
This is the key to writing a relevant and detailed research paper. Take time to read through the research question assigned to you and the instructions. Follow them strictly to ensure you do not get a fail at the end of the semester.
Do a comprehensive research
Start by visiting the library for sources on your topic. Scroll through what is already written about your topic. From that, you can have the little knowledge or an idea then seek to find the unknown using more sources.
Take notes
Whenever you research on your topic take short notes to help you in writing your draft. You will be able to check a point you have forgotten other than wasting time to go back to the library.
Write a research paper outline
An outline can be compared to the road map for your essay. List up all the major sections you are planning to include in your research essay paper such as abstract, introduction and conclusion. After listing all of the sections, divide them into smaller subsections, so that your information is presented in organized and easy-to-read manner.
Write a draft
A draft is a guideline to measure how your research paper will look like. Add every new point that you come across write in your draft. You can use your draft in making a final copy.
Writing a good research paper is easy, as long as you follow the right structure. Currently there is more than enough education on research papers .Besides posting good writing tips you can get essays and research papers from essaythinkers.com online writing company. This online company offers a variety of services you only need to click on “get my research paper” and it will be send to you.